Vai jūsu skolas darbu

Earlier this week I was wasting time on Pinterest  filling my children's minds with knowledge and wonder when I got the urge to paint the chandelier in the school room. I have never liked it all that much so I kicked the kids' school work off the table and started painting.

After the first coat I got a little worried that I was going to have to take the whole thing down and spray paint it.

After the second coat I thought I was going to have to buy a new light.

After the third coat I started to get a little excited- so excited that I forgot to take a picture.
After the twine wrapping and wooden bead dangling I could hardly contain my excitement.

The metal sort of looks like wood now which is kind of what I was going for. It was totally worth the $13 and 2 hours I spent shirking my home schooling responsibilities. I am hoping the cuter light will help the kids want to do school work without whining. Ha.
If you are wondering about my title, it says "do your school work" in Latvian. I got tired of saying it in English, so every 10 minutes I pick a new language and have Google Translate tell my kids to get back to work.


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