judge judy

They say that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. Mostly, that's dumb. There is no way to not make an initial judgement about something based on how it looks from the outside unless you are blind, which I am not, so as far as I am concerned, you have to judge a book by its cover, at least at first.

As for my house, if you weren't blind and judged it by its cover you would think "whoa, that is an ugly pink house, whoever lives there must have terrible taste!" If you were talking about the previous owner then you would be absolutely correct.

I live here now, though, and I don't think I have terrible taste, so I called some people (Arizona Painting Company) to work some magic. But first, since I can't be trusted to pick out non-revolting colors that will ruin my neighborhood, I had to get permission from the ridiculous HOA people. That permission couldn't be granted by one person who has eye balls and a brain, it had to be approved by a committee. A committee that only meets once a month. A committee that I wanted to punch in the face. I finally got my permission and no one got punched, so go ahead and judge my book  house by its cover. Don't judge the landscaping, though. I haven't gotten there yet.

P.S. Happy Thanksgiving.


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