
My mom recently mentioned that there is a lot of talk on my blog about people being punched. I thought that, it being the holiday season and all, I would make it clear that I am not a scrooge that goes around punching all the people that annoy me. If that were the case, I would have been arrested many years ago. Sure, I come across a few people in my daily interactions with other humans that would benefit from a bloody nose, but my punching days are long over. To be completely honest, I only had one punching day. One punch to be exact. In 4th grade. Derek Moyer, if you happen to be reading this, I am really sorry I punched you. I have improved my self-control and if we were to meet again someday I promise I won't punch you. Unless you push me again, and then you're toast.

Oh right, this blog is supposed to be about house stuff. Here is my house in all its Christmas glory.

Happy Holidays and may your Christmas be punch-free!


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