Officially Sappy

Last year I started a business. It was spurred by boredom and my desire to not completely lose my brain and identity as a person other than Mom. I love my kids, but darn do I get tired of only being Mom. As far back as I can remember, I have struggled with having an identity. I never had a "thing". I didn't play sports or join clubs and I had trouble finding my place. I went to college to become a teacher and discovered during student teaching that other people's kids are mostly irritating. So I had kids of my own, thinking that maybe that is my "thing".. birthing non-irritating humans and providing for their every need for 18 years. Turns out, my job as Mom is to help them find their "thing" which leaves little time to discover my own.

One night as I sat on the couch wondering why Netflix has so many dumb shows and questioning my every major life's decision (as one does), I had an epiphany. It was magical. Ha. It was more like I realized I've always had a "thing" and I'm just too much of a dumb ass to realize it. I have been decorating and designing rooms since I was in elementary school. Once in college I orchestrated a "While You Were Out" (anyone remember that HGTV show?) moment for my parents. I'm working on my third house. I have a house related blog for heaven's sake. I love house projects! Nothing gets my tingler a-tingling like making a house look its best.

So here I am with a home staging and design business. I want to share my love of house stuff with all who will listen. So, what does all this introspective nonsense have to do with my blog? It is just a very long intro to show you my finished home office. It is now a place that I can actually work in and maybe figure out how to find a few people who will give me money to do their house projects.


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