hair-do, done, did
The hardest thing about moving to a new city is finding a new place to get your hair done. Seriously, it's the worst. When I moved back to AZ almost four years ago I had to start the dreaded search all over again, but this time without the benefit of a squadron full of ladies who had recently done the same thing. So I did what all grown-ups do when they have a problem, I asked my mom. And, as all good moms do, she had the answer. She asked someone she knew who always had cute hair and I got a name. Her name is Katie and she is great. What does this have to do with a remodel blog? Well, a couple months ago, Katie Hair (as she is named in my phone) asked me if I would design and help remodel her salon space. I said yes. If I was a better blogger I would have taken before pictures, but I suck, so you just get Afters.
Today's lesson is two-fold. If you have a problem, ask your mom and if you need a haircut, call Katie (@beauty.and.barbells on Instagram). She'll make you look as lovely as her new salon.
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