Christmas is over. So is 2014. You're welcome for that update. Here is another one, that bathroom project that I started a month ago is still going. Slowly. It's going to slowly kill me. If I had my way I would ignore all my other responsibilities and work like a maniac for a few days and just get a project done. Some projects just want to be jerks, though, and require time to "cure" and annoy me.
Before Christmas I started tearing out the old moldy shower. Who knew that busting out tile, inch thick chicken wire-reinforced concrete and drywall would take so long and be so messy? At this point the new walls are ready for tile. I even have it picked out. The concrete shower floor is the problem. It's
taunting me curing so I am working on other things like paint. More specifically, stripes!
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Next on the list is a new counter and sink, but that also involves concrete so who knows when this bathroom will be finished. Just take your sweet time concrete, it's not like I have anything else to do!
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