No, I haven't picked a counter yet.. stop badgering me! I have been doing other smaller house beautification things. There was a door painting factory set up in the garage for a couple of days. There are 9 doors in my bathroom/bedroom. 9! I don't know if the builder got a good deal on doorknobs and needed a place to put them all or if he (or she, I'm equal opportunity here) was cleithrophobic*, but there are 31 doors in my house. Every room, but Lucy's, has at least 2 ways in or out so the door painting factory will return on a semi-regular basis as we get the rooms done.

I also hung pictures and curtains in Deacon's room. It's cool how easy things like curtains, rugs and some pictures can totally change the way a room looks. It goes from "I may or may not still be here next week" to "Home is where you don't have to wear pants" with just a few painted forest animals and a $1.50 curtain (blanket) from the 'as-is' section at Ikea. The room is far from done, but its getting there. I am not sure why the room with the occupant who is least aware of his surroundings is furthest along in the prettying process. Maybe because I have had a pretty clear vision of what I wanted his room to look like. Blanket curtains- check. Pink wingback chair- check. Random blue square on the wall- check. Adorably sneaky fox- check!

This weekend we are painting Lucy's room. She has been asking for a few weeks. And when I say asking for a few weeks, I mean, asking every time she saw a paint brush, or a can of paint, or the Home Depot or Lowes sign, or a wall, or was awake. She's a persistent little booger.
* cleithrophobia- a fear of being trapped or locked in an enclosed space
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